Here you can find an alphabetical list of all artists we have hosted through-out our existence. Mind you, this list is still far from complete ...
2nd Face (BIM 2023)
32Crash (BIM 2006, BIM 2009, BIM 2013)
A Cloud Of Ravens (FC 2023)
A.A.A.K. (BIM 2011, BBF 2011)
a;GRUMH... (BIM 2016)
A Split-Second (BIM 2002, 2003, NB 2004, BBF 2009, 2013, 2016, 2017,2022 (2) ...)
Absolute Body Control (..., 2007, ...)
Absolute Revolting Neon Maniacs (2008)
Act Dramatik (BIM 2002)
Adam Ant (2012)
Ah Cama-Sotz (BIM 2004, 2009 ...)
Alvar (EBM-D 2019, BIM 2022)
Agent Side Grinder (BIM 2014, 2018, + ???? JH Wommel)
Arbeid Adelt! (BIM 2013)
Arch, The (BIM 2008, BIM 2016, ...)
Assemblage 23 (Kavka 2013)
amgoD (BIM 2009)
Amnistia (BIM 2018, BIM 2022)
Anne Clark (2014)
Anti Group, The (BIM 2011)
Aroma Di Amore (BIM 2004, BIM 2009, BIM 2016, , ....)
Autodafeh (BIM 2010)
Bakterielle Infektion (BIM 2007)
Basscamp Wolf (BIM 2004)
Brainquake (FC2023)
Bettina Koster (Malaria) (2015)
Banthier (2009)
Bhpl (FC 2023)
Blitzmachine (BBF 2011)
Body Electric (2016, BBF II 2010, 2009, ...)
Bollock Brothers, The (PF 1994, BIM 2010
Borghesia (2015)+
Brassers, De (BIM 2010, ...)
Breath Of Life, The (2010, ...)+
Buropolitik (BIM 2003)
Buzz (BBF II 2010)
Cassandra Complex, The (PF 1993, BIM 2008, BBF II 2010, ...)
Catholic Boys In Heavy Leather (BIM 2008)
C Cat Trance (BIM 2009)
Christopherson, Peter 'Slazy'
Click Click (BIM 2009)
Clock DVA (BIM 2011, 2018)
Cocksure (BIM 2015)
Combichrist (2009, ...., 2017)
Covenant (BIM 2018, 2017)
Companions In Art (BIM 2004)
Container 90 (BIM 2011)
Crash Course In Science (BIM 2009, .... 2016 ...)
DAF (BIM 2010, 2023)
Dark Poem (BIM 2010, ...)
Darkmen (BIM 2007, BM 2009)
Dawn Visitors, The (BIM 2004)
Deleritas (FC 2023)
Delerium (2008)
Der Klinke (BIM 2014)
Destin Fragile (BIM 2015)
Devoted Symbols (2009
Diary Of Dreams (2011)
Die Form (BIM 2014)
Die Krupps (P1 1992, BIM 2007, DK + NE 2014, 2011, DC 2017, DC 2022)
Dive (PF I 1992, BIM 2002, Z 2010, BIM 2016, 2018, ...)
Din [a] Tod (BIM 2010)
Dreadfool (FC 2023)
Emilie Autumn (2009, 2010 , ...)
Emotional Violence (BIM 2010)
Esplendor Geometrico (BIM2010, Daft Fest 2017)
Empusea (BIM 2002)
Erato (BIM 2002)
E-Driver 69 (2014)
Ex-RZ (BIM 2016)
Feature (BIM 2003)
First Aid 4 Souls (BIM 2018)
Fïx8-Sëd8 (BIM 2022, EBM 2023)
Fixmer / Mccarthy (BIM 2007)
Flesh & Fell (BIM 2011)
F.M. Einheit (2010)
Foochow (BIM 2003)
Force Dimension, The (2014, Daft Fest 2017)
Forced To Mode (2016)
Fortification 55 (PF 1994)
Front 242 (BIM 2011, BIM 2022)
Front Line Assemby (Z 2010, DC 2017)
Full Contact 69 (2014)
Gaytron (2014)
Genitorturers (2010)
Gertrud Stein (BIM 2018 + Daft Fest 2017)
Ghost&Writer (2016)
Grausame Töchter (BE 2015, FC 2022, M4 2022)
Hedera Helix (BIM 2003)
Herr B (2014)
Honeymoon Cowboys (Ex-Siglo XX) (2015)
Informatik (2009)
Implant (BBF 2011, BIM 2013,BM ???? ...)
Insekt (PF 1993, BIM 2003, HTL 2004, BIM 2007)
Ionic Vision (BM 2009, 2010, BBF 2011)
Janosch Moldau (2009)
Juggernauts, The (BIM 2015, 2013, BIM 2022, FC 2023)
Karl Bartos (BIM 2006)
Kids, The (BIM 2010)
Klinik, The (Phantom 1986, BIM 2013, BIM 2008, BIM 2003)
KMFDM (2012)
Lance Of Allotment, The (1992, ..)
Leæther Strip (BIM 2009, BBF 2011, BIM 2018, FC ???, DC 2022)
Lescure 13 (1992, ...)
Liebknecht (BIM 2018)
Lifeless Past (BIM 2023)
Light Asylum (BIM 2018)
Livingtotem (BIM 2015)
Liquid G. (2009, Z 2010)
Lizard Smile (2010, 2009, BIM 2002, ...)
Lords Of Acid (BIM 2024)
Luc Van Acker & The Extreme Gentlemen (2010)
Llumen (Kavka 2014, ...)
Mesh (2009)
Male Or Female (BIM 2003)
Masochistic Religion (1992)
Metroland (2018, ....)
Militia (BIM 2004)
Monolith (BM 20??, BIM 2002, ...)
Motor (2011)
Neon Electronics (BIM 2007)
Neon Judgement, The (BBF 2009, 2010, BIM 2002, ...
Ner/Ogris (BIM 2023)
Nitzer Ebb (2010, BBF 2011, 2019)
No More (BIM 2008, 2010, BIM 2017, ...)
No Sleep BY The Machine (EBM-D 2019, 2022,
NTRSN (BIM 2007)
NZ (BIM 2018)
Pankow (EBM day 2018, BIM 2011)
Pangea (BIM 2002)
Parade Ground (BIM 2004, 2007, 2014, BIM 2017, 2018, EBM day 2022)
Placebo Effect (BIM 2024)
Plastic Noise Experience (PF 1993, BIM 2008, 2010, EBM day 2018)
Pokemon Reaktor (BIM 2014)
Porno Karaoke (FC 2022, 2023
Portion Control (BIM 2004, BBF 2009, BIM 2010, 2008, Daft Fest 2017)
Potochkine (BIM 2022)
Project Pitchfork (BIM 2015, DC 2017, )
Psy'avia (BIM 2008)
Psyche (2007, BIM 2007, BBF 2009)
Punish Yourself (€HTL 2004)
QEK Junior (BM 2009, BIM 2009, BIM XIX 2022, FC 2023 x 2)
Qual (BIM 2023)
Rabia Sorda (BIM 2007)
Rabbits Wear Boots (FC 2022)
Radical G. (BIM 2022)
Red Zebra (BIM 2009, BIM 2016, ...)
Reel (2004)
Recoil feat Alen Wilder & Paul Kendall (2010)
Revco World (BBF II 2010, ..)
Ritual Howls (FC 2023)
Schwefelgelb (BIM 2016)
Schicksal (Phantom 1986, BIM 2023)
Section 25 (BIM2011)
Selofan (2018)
Serpents (BIM 2014)
Severe Illusion (BIM 2022, ...)
Severed Heads (2016, BIM 2011, BIM 2005)
Sheep On Drugs (2009, ...)
Sigue Sigue Sputnik, Martin Degville's (BBF II 2010, BIM 2007)
Signal Aout '42 (BIM 2008, BBF II 2010, BIM 2016, BIM 2023)
Sieben (2010, ...., BE 2019)
Sixth June (BIM 2010)
Snowy Red (BIM 2003)
Soft Riot (BIM 2022)
Sol19 (Bar Mondial 2009, BIM 2009)
Sonar (BIM 2004, ..., BIM 2022)
Spetsnaz (€ 2004, BIM 2016, BBF II 2010, BBF 2011)
Stahlr (BIM 2018)
Stin Scatzor (BIM 2003, Z 2010, BBN 2007, FC 2023 ...)
Struggler (BIM 2016)
Sturmcafé (BIM 2010, Kavka ????, ..)
Synthetic (2007)
Suicide Commando (BIM 2002, BIM 2005, BIM 2011, BIM 2016)
TC75 (BIM 2022)
Terence Fixmer (BIM 2009)
Test Department (BIM 2012 + 2022)
Then Comes Silence (FC 2023)
This Morn' Omina (BIM 2003, BIM 2023)
Tilly Electronics (BIM 2022)
To Avoid (2007)
Treshold Houseboys Choir (The) feat Peter 'Slazy' Christopherson (from Coil/Throbbing Gristle) (2009)
Trisomie 21 (BIM 2004, ...)
Trepaneringsritualen (BIM 2015)
Twice a Man (BIM 2014)
Tyske Ludder (2014)
Ultimate Dreamers, The (BIMFEST 2023)
Underviewer (pre-F242) (BIM 2016, 2012)
Unidentified Man (2018)
Vita Noctis (Daft Fest 2017 + ...)
Velvet Underwear (BIM 2007)
VNV Nation (2016, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2023 ...)
Weathermen, The (2008, 2009, ...)
Well (2007)
Welle:Erdbal (2011)
White House White (Phantom 1986)
William Control
Xeno & Oaklander (FC 2023)
yelworC (PF 1993)
Young Gods, The (2013)
Zanias (FC 2022, FC 2023)
Zeromancer (06.04.2010) |
The Phantom club era (1985-1988?)
Blue Days In Berlin
Limited Entertainment release night
Typisch Belgisch
Those we don't speak about
The Klinik + White House White + Schicksal
The Phantom Festival era
Phantom's List
???? - Volkshuis, Kalmthout, B
Tales of Doom
Responsa Trepida
Phantom Festival I
01.11.1992 (Limelight - Antwerp, B)
Die Krupps
Tors Of Dartmore
The Lance Of Allotment
Phantom Festival II
06.11.1993 (Club Lagoon Keerbergen, B)
The Cassandra Complex
Plastic Noise Experience
Phantom Festival III
17.12.1994 ('t Syndroom, St.Niklaas, B)
The Breath Of Live
The Invincible Spirit
The Bollock Brothers
Fortification 55
This Vail Of Tears |